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Mortgage Professor about Credit Bank: 
When Good Credit Marries Bad Credit
November 2, 1998, Revised November 22, 2004 "My fiancee and I are first time buyers and would like to purchase a single family home in New Jersey. He has an outstanding credit report and I have a bad one (collections, ... more...

Why Do Lenders Itemize Loan Charges?
July 20, 1998 "Wouldn't taking out a mortgage be less of an ordeal if lenders, instead of charging borrowers a bunch of different fees, charged a single fee covering everything? Why don't they?" You have put your finger on ... more...

Credit Bank related definitions

Prime Rate
Prime Rate In North American banking, the prime rate is the interest rate a banks charge to their best or "prime" customers. Each bank will quote a prime lending rate. Many institutions quote prime rates established by large money center commercial banks such as ... more...

Mortgage Broker
Mortgage Broker An individual in the business of assisting in arranging funding or negotiating contracts for a client buy who does not loan the money himself. Brokers usually charge a fee or receive a commission for their ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Learning the Disturbing Facts about Credit Card Debt
When I received my first credit card in the mail at age 18 I was ecstatic, I said to myself, wow now Im getting somewhere in life. This credit card company thinks Im worthy of 500 dollars in credit. So I made my monthly payments like a good consumer and watched my credit limit grow. I thought boy ... more...

How to Get 'Triple A' Credit in 25 Days
Good credit is everyone's dream. A wise use of credit can go a long way. It certainly makes certain goals in life (like acquiring business loan from bank) easily attainable.But the key question remains: "What does it take to achieve 'Triple A' credit?"First and foremost, it is important it is ... more...

Out of Credit Card Debt - Without Filing Bankruptcy
To be out of credit card debt is your dream and youre tired of the redundant advice to live within your means. Look no further.Most people that give advice about how to get out of debt, have absolutely no clue why things are the way they are. None of them have ever looked to the source of the ... more...

To Repair Credit Is No longer Satisfactory - Learn How To Earn A Millionaire's Credit In 30 Days...
To repair your bad credit does not necessarily mean that you now have a good credit, absolutely not. When most people have bad credit, they either purchase a credit repair book or seek a credit expert help. But before you do anything about your bad credit you need to understand few things that can ... more...

Payroll Cards Improve Direct Deposit Participation
It has been estimated that 50 percent to 60 percent of employees paid in the United States participate in a direct deposit service offered by their employers for payroll funds. This is a growing trend as there are many benefits to employers and employees alike. Direct deposit involves a series of ... more...

Credit Cards, Merchant Accounts, and Your Bottomline
Q: I'm opening a gift shop and want to be able to accept credit cards. I talked to the branch manager at my bank, but he didn't seem to know much about how it all worked. He did say that I would need something called "a merchant account" and something else called "a credit card processor." ... more...

Credit Ratings: How To Obtain a First Class Credit Rating
If you have no cash at all, as ever, life can be difficult, and you will need some cash to prime the pump, between $500 and $1,000. Look amongst your possessions for what you can sell by classified ads in your local newspaper, carboot sale etc and turn those assets in cash.Go to your nearest bank ... more...

Are You at Risk for Identity Theft? Learn How to Protect Yourself
Identity Theft is Americas fastest growing type of robbery. There have been an estimated 9.9 million victims on America and over 40% of all consumer complaints in the U.S. involve identity theft. About half of the victims do not know how the thief obtained their personal information. The Boston ... more...

Grants, Loans, "Free" Credit Cards And Credit Repair: The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
You got creditors calling you everyday. You could lose the car or house. Your teetering on the edge financial ruin - then you see an ad that may safe your butt! Typical headlines say something like "Millionaire reveals Hidden Cash Sources, or help for people in debt up to their eyeballs!"HOW ... more...

How to Obtain a Non ChexSystems Bank Account Without Being Scammed
Predatory lending exists in the mortgage industry. It's typically when a mortgage broker add's on unnecessary fee's to a bad credit application, because he or she knows that the applicant is in a desperate situation.Predatory banking can also exist for those who have ended up in the ChexSystems ... more...

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